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Prof. dr. A. (Agnes) Akkerman

Professor Regulation of Labour

Dr. W.S. (Wieteke) Conen


Mr. E.F. (Eva) Grosheide

PhD researcher

E.M. (Eveline) Hansen

Coordinator operational management

Dr. G. (Giedo) Jansen

Associate Professor

Dr N. (Niels) Jansen

Associate Professor

Prof. dr. M.J. (Maarten) Keune

Professor of social security and labour relations

Mr. dr. N.M.Q. (Niels) van der Neut

Associate Professor

Mr. J. (Job) van der Pijl


Drs. I.N.N. (Inge) Reijntjes

Management assistant education

Prof. mr. J.M. (Jaap) van Slooten

Professor of labour law

Dr. F.H. (Frank) Tros


Dr E. (Evert) Verhulp

Professor of labour law

Mr. dr. N. (Nuna) Zekić

Associate Professor

Mr. dr. J.P.H. (Johan) Zwemmer
