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InGRID2 aims to integrate and innovate existing, but distributed European social sciences research infrastructures on ‘Poverty and Living Conditions’ and ‘Working Conditions and Vulnerability’.

InGRID2 is a Horizon2020 project in the field of working conditions and vulnerability. It aims to improve the quality and availability of harmonized data contributing to growth that generates decent jobs, gives opportunities to all segments of society and distributes the income and non-income gains from prosperity more equally across society. The 19 consortium partners conduct research into collective bargaining and minimum wages, welfare services, vulnerable groups in the European labour market, comparative working conditions, demographic factors and poverty. In the course of the four-year project, partners develop expertise on better measurement and understanding of vulnerable groups and related state policies, new types of (web)data, microsimulations and poverty indicators.

InGRID2 combines research activities with broad knowledge sharing. The consortium harmonizes data, making the data available to users and publishing new tools and indicators. The project creates opportunities for networking, dialogue and knowledge through summer schools, expert workshops, data forums, special interest groups, and stakeholder conferences. Via visiting grants, the project provides transnational access to 16 European data centres of the infrastructure. Short and long-term visiting grants allow researchers to experiment with and work on key data sets and tools within a context of mutual knowledge exchange and cross-fertilisation. InGRID2 is a continuation of the InGRID FP7 programme that ran from 2013 to 2017.

Dr. S.M. (Stephanie) Steinmetz


Acroniem InGRID2
Looptijd Apr 2017 — Apr 2021
In opdracht van European Union, Horizon2020 programme
Contractnummer 730998
Keywords social sciences, poverty, living conditions, working conditions, vulnerability
Partners see InGRID website