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Dr. G. (Giedo) Jansen

Associate Professor Regulation of Work
Faculty of Law
Labour Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: A6.17
Postal address
  • Postbus 15966
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Dr. Giedo Jansen is Associate Professor Regulation of Labour at the University of Amsterdam, AIAS-HSI. His research is multidisciplinary and spans various academic disciplines, including sociology, political science and labor relations.

    In his current and previous academic positions, Giedo Jansen’s work often addresses the question how labour market inequalities translate to social, civic and political participation. He has published extensively on strikes and social dialogue, atypical employment relationships, precarious self-employment, union membership, and other forms of worker voice and interest representation. For his research on labor market flexibilization and self-employment, he was awarded a prestigious VENI grant from NWO (2014-2018). Currently, his research increasingly focuses on the ‘future of work’, and specifically studies how technological innovations (such as automation, digitalization, robotization) transform work structures and power relations.

    Giedo’s current projects include a study into the platform economy of digitally-mediated and algorithmically managed ‘gig’ work. Together with Jeroen Meijerink and Victoria Daskalova, he is the editor of the book Platform Economy Puzzles: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Gig Work (Edward Elgar, 2021). Another current research line is Giedo’s work on workplace automation and reskilling and upskilling practices among workers. He is the principal investigator of two surveys projects (ODISSEI LISS Data Grant and UK Innovation Panel Grant) on automation risks and skill development and lifelong learning. Giedo has also co-authored several articles on digital inequalities and (digital) skills.

    Giedo Jansen’s work in political science has mainly been in electoral research. Giedo holds a PhD (2011) from Radboud University Nijmegen on a thesis about social cleavages and voting behavior in modern democracies. In recent years, he has focused increasingly on local governance and democracy. He was the co-director of the Dutch Local Election Study 2018 (with Bas Denters), and is again the principal investigator of the Dutch Local Election Study 2022 (with Hans Vollaard). Finally, Giedo is also the research director of the Dutch Political Office-Holders Monitor, an integrated data-infrastructure on political representatives and executives in all 351 municipalities, 12 provinces and 25 waterboards.

    Areas of expertise
    • Economic and Political Sociology
    • Employment and Labor Relations
    • Automation of Work and Skills
    • Digital economy, platform economy
    • Political science, electoral research

  • Publications



    • De Graaf, N. D., & Jansen, G. (2023). The Netherlands: The role of cultural conservatism among voters and party elites. In J. R. Montero, P. Segatti, & K. Calvo (Eds.), Religious Voting in Western Democracies (pp. 439-465). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • van der Zeeuw, A., van Deursen, A. J. A. M., & Jansen, G. (2023). The irony of the smart home: How the IoT shifts power balances and reinforces household values. The Information Society, 39(3), 171-182. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Lamers, L., Meijerink, J., Jansen, G., & Boon, M. (2022). A Capability Approach to worker dignity under Algorithmic Management. Ethics and Information Technology, 24(1).
    • van der Zeeuw, A., van Deursen, A. J. A. M., & Jansen, G. (2022). The orchestrated digital inequalities of the IoT: How vendor lock-in hinders and playfulness creates IoT benefits in every life. New Media & Society. Advance online publication.


    • Jonker-Hoffrén, P., & Jansen, G. (2021). The politics of platform work: representation in the age of digital labour. In Platform Economy Puzzles (pp. 209-228). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
    • Proszowska, D., Jansen, G., & Denters, B. (2021). On their own turf? The level-specificity of political trust in multilevel political systems. Acta Politica, 57(3), 510-528.
    • Proszowska, D., Jansen, G., & Denters, B. (2021). Political trust in a multilevel polity: patterns of differentiation among more and less politically sophisticated citizens. International Review of Administrative Sciences.
    • van Deursen, A. J. A. M., van der Zeeuw, A., de Boer, P., Jansen, G., & van Rompay, T. (2021). Development and validation of the Internet of Things Skills Scale (IoTSS). Information, Communication & Society, 25(13), 1883-1899.
    • van Deursen, A. J. A. M., van der Zeeuw, A., de Boer, P., Jansen, G., & van Rompay, T. (2021). Digital inequalities in the Internet of Things: differences in attitudes, material access, skills, and usage. Information, Communication & Society, 24(2), 258-276.


    • Akkerman, A., Sluiter, R., & Jansen, G. (2020). Temporary Work and Deviant Behavior the Role of Workplace Cohesion. Sociological Quarterly, 61(4), 678-702. Advance online publication.
    • van der Zeeuw, A., van Deursen, A. J. A. M., & Jansen, G. (2020). How to apply IoT skills at home: Inequalities in cultural repertoires and its interdependency chains. Poetics, 83.


    • Jansen, G., & Lehr, A. (2019). On the outside looking in? A micro-level analysis of insiders’ and outsiders’ trade union membership. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43(1), 221-251.
    • Jansen, G., & Sluiter, R. (2019). The matter of representation: precarious self-employment and interest organisations. In W. Conen, & J. Schippers (Eds.), Self-Employment as Precarious Work: A European Perspective (pp. 216-237). Edward Elgar Publishing Inc..
    • van der Zeeuw, A., van Deursen, A. J., & Jansen, G. (2019). Inequalities in the social use of the Internet of things: A capital and skills perspective. New Media & Society , 21(6), 1344-1361.


    • Jansen, G. (2017). Farewell to the rightist self-employed? 'New self-employment' and political alignments. Acta Politica, 52(3), 306-338.
    • Jansen, G. (2017). Solo self-employment and membership of interest organizations in the Netherlands: Economic, social, and political determinants. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 41(3), 512-539.
    • Jansen, G., Akkerman, A., & Vandaele, K. (2017). Undermining mobilization? The effect of job flexibility and job instability on the willingness to strike. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 38(1), 99-117.


    • Jansen, G. (2016). Self-employment as atypical or autonomous work: diverging effects on political orientations. Socio-Economic Review, 17(2), 381-407.
    • Jansen, G., Sluiter, R., & Akkerman, A. (2016). The Diffusion of Strikes: A Dyadic Analysis of Economic Sectors in the Netherlands, 1995–2007. American Journal of Sociology, 121(6), 1885-1918.
    • van Houten, G., Akkerman, A., Sluiter, R., Jansen, G., & Vermeylen, G. (2016). Directe en indirecte werknemersparticipatie in Europa. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 32(2), 138-156.


    • Jansen, G. (2014). Effects of Union Organization on Strike Incidence in EU Companies. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 67(1), 60-85.
    • Jansen, G., & Akkerman, A. (2014). The collapse of collective action? In M. Hauptmeier, & M. Vidal (Eds.), Employment flexibility, Union Membership and Strikes in European Companies (pp. 186-207). (Palgrave Macmillan series on critical perspectives on work and employment). Palgrave Macmillan Ltd..


    • Jansen, G., Evans, G., & De Graaf, N. D. (2013). Class voting and Left–Right party positions: A comparative study of 15 Western democracies, 1960–2005. Social Science Research, 42(2), 376-400.
    • Jansen, G., Evans, G., & de Graaf, N. D. (2013). Class voting and left-right party positions. In G. Evans, & N. D. de Graaf (Eds.), a comparative study of fifteen western democracies, 1960-2005 (pp. 46-86). Oxford University Press.
    • de Graaf, N. D., Jansen, G., & Need, A. (2013). The political evolution of class and religion: an interpretation for the Netherlands, 1971-2006. In G. Evans, & N. D. de Graaf (Eds.), Political choice matters: explaining the strength of class and religious cleavages in cross-national perspective (pp. 205-242). Oxford University Press.


    • Jansen, G., de Graaf, N. D., & Need, A. (2012). Explaining the Breakdown of the Religion: Vote Relationship in The Netherlands, 1971-2006. West European Politics, 35(4), 756-783.



    • Jansen, G., Tolsma, J., & de Graaf, N. D. (2008). Vrijheid versus veiligheid: Wie steunt vrijheidsbeperking omwille van veiligheid in Nederland? Mens en Maatschappij, 83(1), 47-69.



    • Al Baghal, T., Benzeva, M., Burton, J., Jansen, G., Janssen, S., Jessop, C., Kopasker, D., Keetharuth, A. D., Reeve, K., & Sloan, L. (2022). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 14: results from methodological experiments. In Understanding Society Working Paper 2022-06 Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.
    • Vollaard, H. (Ed.), de Blok, L. (Ed.), den Ridder, J. (Ed.), Jansen, G. (Ed.), van Bochove, M., Boogers, M., Huijsmans, T., Moors, H., Mügge, L., van Ostaaijen, J., Rashkova, E., Rekker, R., Runderkamp, Z., & Vermeulen, F. (2022). De lokale niet-stemmer: Een analyse van de lage opkomst bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2022 . Rijksoverheid. [details]


    • Jansen, G., Daskalova, V., & Meijerink, J. (2021). Conclusion: solutions to platform economy puzzles and avenues for future research. In Platform Economy Puzzles (pp. 229-241). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
    • Jansen, G., Denters, B., & van Zuydam, S. (2021). Basismonitor Politieke Ambtsdragers 2020: Volksvertegenwoordigers en bestuurders in provincies en waterschappen over hun ambt. University of Twente.
    • Jansen, G., Janssen, S., Kuhn-Nelen, A., Levels, M., & Voermans, L. (2021). Bij- en omscholing en automatisering in Nederland: Kansen en beperkingen. University of Twente.
    • Meijerink, J. G., Jansen, G., & Daskalova, V. I. (2021). Platform Economy Puzzles: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Gig Work. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
    • Meijerink, J., Jansen, G., & Daskalova, V. (2021). Platform economy puzzles: the need for a multidisciplinary perspective on gig work. In J. Meijerink, G. Jansen, & V. Daskalova (Eds.), Platform Economy Puzzles: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Gig Work (pp. 2-18). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
    • Vollaard, H., Binnema, H., Denters, B., & Jansen, G. (2021). Meer zicht op het democratisch middenbestuur: Het kiezersonderzoek in provincies en waterschappen van 2020. University of Twente.


    • Jansen, G., Denters, B., & van Zuydam, S. (2020). Basismonitor Politieke Ambtsdragers 2019: Raadsleden, wethouders en burgemeesters over hun ambt. University of Twente.


    • Jansen, G., & Boogers, M. (2019). Opkomst en stemgedrag. In Democratie dichterbij (Vol. 2, pp. 7-17). SKON, Stichting KiezersOnderzoek Nederland.
    • Jansen, G., & Denters, S. A. H. (2019). Democratie dichterbij: Lokaal Kiezersonderzoek 2018. SKON, Stichting KiezersOnderzoek Nederland.


    • Akkerman, A., Sluiter, R., & Jansen, G. (2015). 3rd European Company Survey: Direct and indirect employee participation. Eurofound.


    • Akkerman, A., Born, M., Jansen, G., Lehr, A., & Sluiter, R. (2014). Patronen van staken: ontstaan, verloop en verspreiding van arbeidsconflicten. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.


    • Sluiter, R., Smits, F., Lehr, A., de Lange, M., & Jansen, G. (2011). Trends in evolutionisme in Nederland tussen 1979 en 2005. In G. Kraaykamp, M. Levels, & A. Need (Eds.), De rol van opleiding en religie (pp. 375-392). Van Gorcum.




    • Jansen, G., Akkerman, A., & Lehr, A. (2012). De verspreiding van stakingen. Sociologie Magazine, 20(4), 24-25.

    Prize / grant

    • Olthuis, E., Jansen, G. & Rietveld, R. (2023). Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) Seed Funding.

    Talk / presentation


    • Jansen, G. (2011). Social cleavages and political choices: large-scale comparisons of social class, religion and voting behavior in Western Democracies. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.


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  • Ancillary activities
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