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Working Papers 2024

Working Papers 2023

Working Papers 2020

Working Papers 2019

Working Papers 2018

Working Papers 2017

Job Polarisation and the Spanish Local Labour Market

Explaining Job Polarisation in Spain from a Task Perspective

Survey vs scraped data: Comparing time series properties of web and survey vacancy data

The effect of immigration on natives’ task specialization - The case of Germany

The interplay between the minimum wage and collective bargaining in the Netherlands. An overview and a case study of three sectors

Collectieve arrangementen voor zzp’ers: de argumenten gewogen

The Dutch middle class in times of growing income inequality 1990–2014: The crucial rise of dual earners

Institutional arrangements regarding Minimum Wage Setting in 195 countries

Mobiliteit binnen de perken. Zeer geringe positieverbetering van werknemers uit Midden- en Oost-Europa bij een langer werkverleden

Can Airbnb provide livable incomes to property owners?

Working Papers 2016

The role of the short-term employed in the matching process before and after the crisis: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands

Variation in capitalist regimes: an explanation for variation in immigrant self-employment rates

Getting unemployed with problematic debt problems to work

What do workers do? Measuring the intensity and market value of tasks in jobs

De arbeidsmarkt in 2040

Prognose van het voorzieningengebruik in 2040

The tsunamis of educational attainment and part-time employment, and the change of the labour force 1960–2010


Working Papers 2015

Gaps in National Labour Rights for Women and Girls

Women’s Frequently Asked Labour Rights Questions

The political economy of risk allocation in the pension domain


Working Papers 2014

What is the gain in a probability-based online panel to provide Internet access to sampling units that did not have access before?

Who has access to mobile devices in an online commercial panel?

Mobile CATI: An Overview of Issues

Women’s Labour Rights in Collective Bargaining Agreements

Wat levert keuzevrijheid in het pensioenstelsel op?

Measurement error in occupational coding: an analysis on SHARE data

Mind the gap in the digital data tsunami: Representativeness of web-based data collection methods in socio-political studies

Werkgeverskeuze en Pensioen: Een Institutionele Analyse

Reviewing the measurement and comparison of occupations across Europe

National Labour Rights for Women

Why Dutch women work part-time: A Oaxaca-decomposition of differences in European female part-time work rates

Labour-market institutions and the dispersion of wage earnings

Does desire for social status promote solidarity? Investigating the role of egalitarian versus inegalitarian societal contexts

Big data and virtual communities: methodological issues

Workers and labour market outcomes of informal jobs in formal employment

Skills and occupational needs: labour market forecasting systems in Italy


Working Papers 2013

Governance of EU Labour Law EU’s Working time directive and its implementation in the Netherlands

Who should earn what? A Q methodological study on notions of justice of wage differences

De bevoegdheden van werkgevers en werknemers om een pensioenuitvoerder te kiezen

Benchmark. Towards evidence-based work first

Multiple Barriers and Bridges to Work

Positive Action in EU Gender Equality Law: Promoting More Women in Corporate Decision Making?

Collectieve Zeggenschap in het Nederlandse Pensioenstelsel: De Beroepspensioenvereniging

Interactive applets on the Web for methods and statistics

Economic valuation in Web surveys; A review of the state of the art and best practices

Do Spanish firms support initial vocational training? Company behaviour in low-coordinated institutional frameworks

Can creative web survey questionnaire design improve the response quality?

Children, Elder Care and the Probabilities Spanish Women have of Holding Decent Works


Working Papers 2012

More flexibility for more innovation? Evidence from the Netherlands

Conditions and motives for voluntary sharing. Results of a solidarity game experiment

Solidarity in a multicultural neighbourhood. Results of a field experiment

Development of the public-private wage differential in the Netherlands 1979 – 2009

More or less strangers. Social distance as reflected in news media reporting on the young, the old and the allochthon

“Gone Fishing” Modeling Diversity in Work Ethics

Occupational segregation and gender inequality in job quality

Skill-based inequality in job quality

“He would never just hit the sofa” A narrative of non-complaining among Dutch Mothers

The impact of attitudes and work preferences on Dutch mothers’ employment patterns

Collective redress and workers’ rights in the EU


Working Papers 2011

De loonkloof tussen mannen en vrouwen. Een review van het onderzoek in Nederland

Comparative study of labour relations in African countries

Health workforce remuneration: Comparing wage levels, ranking and dispersion of 16 occupational groups in 20 countries using survey data

Multinationals versus domestic firms: Wages, working hours and industrial relations

Separate, joint or integrated?

Employees’ experiences of the impact of the economic crisis in 2009 and 2010. A German-Dutch Comparison

Over- and underqualifi ction of migrant workers. Evidence from WageIndicator survey data

Codebook and explanatory note on the EurOccupations dataset about the job content of 150 occupations

A deeper insight into the ethnic make-up of school cohorts. Diversity and school achievement


Working Papers 2010

Codebook and explanatory note on the WageIndicator dataset

Low wages in the retail industry in the Netherlands

The future of employment relations. Goodbye ‘Flexicurity’ – welcome back transitional labour markets?

Uitkeringsgebruik van Migranten

The graying of the median voter

Pension fund governance. The intergenerational conflict over risk and contributions

An overview of women's work and employment in India

An overview of women's work and employment in Indonesia

An overview of women’s work and employment in Azerbaijan

An overview of women's work and employment in Kazakhstan

An overview of women's work and employment in Ukraine

Uitzenden in tijden van crisis

An overview of women's work and employment in Belarus

An overview of women's work and employment in Zimbabwe

Coordination of national social security in the EU

Measuring occupations in web-surveys. The WISCO database of occupations

Emigration and labour shortages. An opportunity for trade unions in new member states?

Geïntegreerde dienstverlening in de keten van Werk en Inkomen


Working Papers 2009

An overview of women’s work and employment in Mozambique

An overview of women’s work and employment in Angola

An overview of women’s work and employment in South Africa

An overview of women’s work and employment in Malawi

An overview of women’s work and employment in Zambia

An overview of women’s work and employment in Botswana

An overview of women’s work and employment in Brazil

Working time flexibility components of companies in Europe

Flexibility and security: an asymmetrical relationship?

Comparing different weighting procedures for volunteer web surveys

Welfare reform in the UK, the Netherlands, and Finland Change within the limits of path dependence

The Dutch minimum Wage. A radical reduction shifts the main focus to part-time jobs

An analysis of firm support for active labor market policies

Parallelle innovatie als een vorm van beleidsleren

Balancing roles. Bridging the divide between HRM, employee participation and learning in the Dutch knowledge economy

Education, Inequality, and Active Citizenship. Tensions in a Differentiated Schooling System


Working Papers 2008

From Policy to Practice: Assessing sectoral flexicurity in the Netherlands

The first part-time economy in the world. Does it work?

Gender Equality in the Netherlands: An Example of Europeanisation of Social Law and Policy

Struggling for a proper job: recent immigrants in the Netherlands

Activating social policy and the preventive approach for the unemployed in the Netherlands


Working Papers 2007

The state in industrial relations: The politics of minimum wage in Turkey and the USA

Vocational education and active citizenship: Behavior in cross-national perspective

Globalization and working time: Work-place hours and flexibility in Germany

Sample bias, weights and efficiency of weights in a continuous web voluntary survey


Marktwerking en arbeidsvoorwaarden – de casus van het openbaar vervoer, de energiebedrijven en de thuiszorg

Does it matter who takes responsibility?

Employment protection in dutch collective labour agreements

Part-time employment: A comparative analysis of Spain and the Netherlands

Low pay incidence and mobility in the Netherlands – exploring the role of personnel, job and employer characteristics

The effects of social and political opennes of the welfare state in 18 OECD countries, 1970-2000

Population ageing in the Netherlands: Demographic and financial arguments for a balanced approach

The distribution of responsibility for social security in the Netherlands

The distribution of responsibility for social security in the United Kingdom

The distribution of responsibility for social security in Denmark

The distribution of responsibility for social security in Germany

The distribution of responsibility for social security in Belgium


Working Papers 2006

Temporary agency work in the Netherlands

Early retirement patterns in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

Diversity in work: The heterogeneity of women's labour market participation patterns

Women’s working preferences in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK


Working Papers 2005

The work-family balance on the union's agenda

Wage bargaining institutions in europe: A happy marriage or preparing for divorce?

Boxing and dancing: Dutch trade union and works council experiences revisited

Analysing employment practices in Western European Multinationals: coordination, industrial relations and employment flexibility in Poland

Income distribution in the Netherlands in the 20th century: long-run developments and cyclical properties

Women's Preferences or Delineated Policies? The development or part-time work in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom

Search, mismatch and unemployment

Female part-time employment in the Netherlands

Vissen in een vreemde vijver: Het werven van verpleegkundigen en verzorgenden in het buitenland. Ervaringen met en toekomstverwachtingen over arbeidsmigratie in de zorgsector

Onderzoeksrapport: een functie met inhoud 2004. Een enquete naar de taakinhoud van secretaressen 2004, 2000, 1994


Working Papers 2004

How Many Hours Do You Usually Work: an analysis of the working hours questions in 26 large-scale surveys in 6 countries and the European Union

Tax evasive behaviour and gender in a transition country

The dataset, measurement issues and the methodology of the Dutch WageIndicator Internet survey

The work-family balance in collective agreements more female employees, more provisions?

Overcoming marginalisation? Gender and ethnic segregation in the Dutch construction, health, IT and printing industries

Female income, the ego effect and the divorce decision: Evidence from micro data

Een onderzoek naar CAO-afspraken op basis van de FNV CAO-databank en de AWVN-database

A panel data analysis of the effects of wages, standard hours and unionisation on paid overtime work in Britain

Codeboek DUCADAM dataset. Een statistisch bestand van de FNV cao-databank.

Flexibility and social protection

A two-step first-difference estimator for a panel data tobit model

De invloed van de Wet arbeid en zorg op verlofregelingen in CAO's

Economische effecten van Immigratie, ontwikkeling van een databestand en eerste analyses


Working Papers 2003

Household consumption and savings around the time of births and the role of education

Working women's choices for domestic help

Permanent and transitory wage inequality of British men, 1975-2001: Year, age and cohort effects

Dealing with the "flexibility-security-nexus": Institutions, strategies, opportunities and barriers

Tax evasion and the source of income: An experimental study in Albania and the Netherlands

Chances and limitations of "benchmarking" in the reform of welfare state structures - the case of pension policy

Politico-economic institutions and the informal sector in Albania

Tax vasion in transition: Outcome of an institutional clash? -Testing Feige's conjecture

Flexible work-arrangements and the quality of life

Teleworking policies of organisations - The Dutch experience

Individuals’ unemployment durations over the business cycle

Public sector industrial relations in the Netherlands: framework, principles, players and representativity

Top incomes in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom over the Twentieth Century


Working Papers 2002

Industrial relations in the transport sector in the Netherlands

Employees' preferences for more or fewer working hours: The effects of usual, contractual and standard working time, family phase and household characteristics and job satisfaction

Ethnic and gender wage differentials. An exploration of LOONWIJZERS 2001/2002

Emancipatie-effectrapportage belastingen en premies - Een verkenningnaar nieuwe mogelijkheden vanuit het belastingstelsel 2001

Competenties van werknemers in de informatiemaatschappij - Een survey over ICT-gebruik

Werk, lonen en beroepen van mannen en vrouwen in Nederland.


Working Papers 2001

Beloningsvergelijking tussen markt en publieke sector: methodische kanttekeningen

Pattern persistence in European trade union density

Negotiated flexibility in working time and labour market transitions - The case of the Netherlands

Werken in de Digitale Delta. Een vragenbank voor ICT-gebruik in organisaties

Employers' and employees' preferences for working time reduction and working time differentiation

De Vrouwenloonwijzer. Werk, lonen en beroepen van vrouwen

Europa en de CAO: Drie scenario’s en een toekomstverkenning


Working Papers 2000

Wie kan en wie wil telewerken? Een onderzoek naar de factoren die de mogelijkheid tot en de behoefte aan telewerken van werknemers beïnvloeden